Archive for September, 2007

Painting…sucks :(

I’ve spent the past 2 days repainting my room in preparation for my escape to California and man, does it suck pretty hardcore. I remember now that it sucked pretty bad painting the room in the first place and it sucks just as bad having to paint it back. The worst part is that I’ll most likely have to repaint the living room and A’s room, but oh well, what the fuck else do I have to do? I am about 88% packed, I think all I have left is my computer, stereo equipment and leftover clothes.

I’m glad J agreed to buy the motorcycle because that way it still kinda stays “in the family,” so I can still ride it!!! Last week I finally got around to replacing the battery (which had been dead since the end of August when I got back from California) and riding the bike around to get gas reminded me how much I love to ride it. It really is like riding a bicycle, I didn’t forget a thing and felt completely comfortable and natural riding.

ANYWAY (why the fuck does Klosterman capitalize this?) back to painting and seeing if I can finish in time to catch Heroes live (probably fucking not).


09 2007

“The waters? What waters? We’re in the desert.”

I saw Casablanca at the midnight showing at the Inwood this past weekend.  God Damn is that a great movie.  It was truly an amazing experience seeing it projected on a big screen as I have only ever seen it on a TV.  There is just so much to love about this movie, the witty repartee between Rick and Captain Renault, the awesome music, the quirky supporting characters, etc. etc.  I do have to say, the only thing that bugs me about the movie is the character Yvonne (Rick’s fuck buddy essentially). Her character is shrill and made essentially to be a whore, but she does have the redeeming characteristic of being the setup for the line by Capt. Renault: “How extravagant you are, throwing away women like that. Some day they may be scarce.” Claude Raines as Capt. Renault is quite possibly my favorite movie character ever.  This movie is so ingrained within me that I can pretty much remember all the music cues and nearly all of the script.


09 2007